Bratty Foot Girls
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Studio:Bratty Foot Girls
Length:25 min
Length:25 min
The kink/fetish genres. Not included would be hard vore, digestion/belly fetish, which means an ending where the tiny is ultimately not eaten. Dalvina has been living with her roommate that she. One day he arrives. She further explains that it’s all consensual, and she doesn't actually eat her shrunken friends, she only plays with. The roommate indicates that he. She points out that there's a sub-domme dynamic to all of this, and that these few close. She guesses that it probably looks scary. She’s delighted, because this gives her more. After a few moments teasing him with her breath and playing around with her tongue, she continues to tease him by reminding him of how helpless and vulnerable he is, and how. This starts by Dalvina sticking her tongue out of her lips, then flicks it at. She smacks her tongue to assess the flavor, and. She needs more, so then she starts. This scene includes a lot of closeup open mouth/tongue play, and should take up a good portion of. As for any lines, she can improvise taunts, teases,. At one point,. This prompts her. The game is simple, he attempts to stimulate her taste buds while her tongue is actively subduing. She vigorously sucks on him and plays with him. After several moments, she cheerfully declares her tongue. The scene. She starts to get hungry while she’s playing, and that it’s time for a break,. The lesson is what it’s like to be a piece. Eventually she decides to finish, takes him out...